Today was the mother daughter tea at our church. Mom and I have attended this event together for several years. It is always such a nice time that I have been inviting Pam for the last 3 years (I think that's right, Pam?). Pam is our daycare provider and is a very important part of our family. Jason's mom and Grandma also attended for the 2
nd yr in a row. Today the tables were set with beautiful tea cups, and the girls just loved them. I filled them with juice and they enjoyed drinking from them.
Olivet talked about it all evening. There were 2 speakers and music. The speakers were wonderful, such awesome messages to lift up all of the women of the church. Robin shared Deuteronomy 6:1-9, and spoke of our responsibility as mothers to make God a priority in our homes. God is so evident in our home these days, as I do not know how we could get through this time without him. And so the message today was very fitting.
Avangeline had a really bad night last night. We were up a lot! Poor thing just can't relax, I finally
decided this morning at tea that something had to be wrong. As were were getting ready to leave the church I was changing her diaper and I looked in her mouth and she has Thrush, again... So no wonder why she has been so mad. Mom offered to take the girls home so I went straight to the prompt care up by our house, and got her a
prescription. She is already feeling better after one dose. Her spasms seem to be getting stronger and more frequent. Although she is resting quite
peacefully right now on daddy chest. So it may just be that when she gets really upset they set off, and now that her mouth feels better she is not upset. At any rate the 19
th can not get here any faster! We are so anxious to go, and we pray that there are some answers waiting for us there. I want my baby back! I have received all of the information from the hospital on what will be going on, sounds like a full
gamut of tests, so it will not be dull. With her being so small, and not able to hold still, she will be sedated for most of them. This is not something I look forward to but we will do what we have to do to get her well.
Keep praying, and thank you. We love you all!