Friday, August 22, 2008
Being in Love!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
About me A-Z
About me: A-Z
A - age - 29 That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
B - birthday - September 23
C - candy or cake - Candy, I hate frosting
D - dessert you love - Cheese Cake (Jello box kind not the fancy stuff)
E - easiest person to talk to - My best friend Jason
F - favorite song - Understand by Jeremy Camp
G - gold or silver - Silver
H - habit - I chew my cuticles... Groose hu?
I - instruments- I played the flute in school, and even though that wasn't that long ago, I don't remember any thing...
J - job title - Mom, Sales Assistant, and Mary Kay Beauty Consultant
K- kids- 4 Ezra, Olivet, Ivy and Avangeline
L - love or lust - Love
M- married or single -Married
N - next to you - Piles, lots of piles (bills, MK stuff, school stuff, laundry...)
O - one wish - for Avangeline to be seizure free
P - person you called last - My sister-in-law Emily
Q - quotes - Everyone tags their e-mails at work with them, I won't join in, it's a sales thing...
R- reasons to smile - My beautiful family
S - steak or pork - Pork, sausage, ham, bacon, ribs, chops, pulled...
T - turns you on - The smell of saw dust and sweat
U - unique talent - getting my way
V - vegetable - spinich
W - woke up at what time - 1st time 3am, for the day at 6:45am
X - xrays I've had - the only one I can remember is of my head when I was like 5
Y - your favorite color - Blue
Z - zodiac - I am a cusp... but I claim Lebra
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Quick update...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sleep Much???
And well see for yourself.....

Monday, June 2, 2008
June Already?!?!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Day 1 of Phase 1
On our way!!!
Our trip went a lot smoother than I ever expected. Avangeline did really well. We had a lay over in Chicago, but it went by really fast. The flight into Miami was long and Avangeling was done being a good traveler. So she cried for the last 20 min of the flight. Then she cried for the hr and a half it took to get luggage, and to the hospital. She was pretty worked up and so I took a shower with her to calm her down. It worked really well, and she passed out shortly after we got out. She slept all night. I wish I would have...
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Mothers Day!!!
After lunch with mom we went home and took naps. Then we headed over to Jason's mom's house to wish her a happy day. The kids played out in the yard and enjoyed the beautiful day.
Avangeline had a very good seizure day, she was very fussy most of the day but she was also gassy. By 6pm I was convinced that she was not going to have any spasms. But around 7 she had a good little cluster. Ezra happened to be holding her, he asked lots of questions later that evening, so this became very real for him. I asked him if it scared him and he just looked at me and said "No, I prayed." Wow! How's that for a reminder of who we need to rely on? Although Avangeline was difficult to deal with, we only had the one cluster of spasms. Praise the Lord!!! It has been a long time since she had a day this good.
We will see what today brings...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Tea Time

Avangeline had a really bad night last night. We were up a lot! Poor thing just can't relax, I finally decided this morning at tea that something had to be wrong. As were were getting ready to leave the church I was changing her diaper and I looked in her mouth and she has Thrush, again... So no wonder why she has been so mad. Mom offered to take the girls home so I went straight to the prompt care up by our house, and got her a prescription. She is already feeling better after one dose. Her spasms seem to be getting stronger and more frequent. Although she is resting quite peacefully right now on daddy chest. So it may just be that when she gets really upset they set off, and now that her mouth feels better she is not upset. At any rate the 19th can not get here any faster! We are so anxious to go, and we pray that there are some answers waiting for us there. I want my baby back! I have received all of the information from the hospital on what will be going on, sounds like a full gamut of tests, so it will not be dull. With her being so small, and not able to hold still, she will be sedated for most of them. This is not something I look forward to but we will do what we have to do to get her well.
Keep praying, and thank you. We love you all!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Where has the last month gone?
Avangeline has "infantile spasms". Go ahead and Google because it is way to hard for me to describe. I had avoided the Internet for a long time because everything is so scary, and worse case type stuff. But now this is my reality. I did not want to admit that this was what my daughter had, and for a while in the beginning I think we even had the Dr convinced that this was not the case.
Avangeline has 30-40 spasms (seizures) per day. Most are focused around her sleep, when she is trying to sleep or waking up. Once she gets to sleep she is fine, it is just getting that way that is sometimes a challenge. Also if she gets really upset that can set her off. We don't know if the fact that she is upset sets them off or if she is upset because she is having spasms...
We have tried so many different meds that our Dr wants us to go to get a specialist opinion. So the week of May 19 we are going to be at Miami Children's Hospital. They have very sophisticated equipment, and are one of the best hospitals in the world for neurology stuff.
We appreciate all of your prayers. Every time I turn around there is someone else praying for her. Please continue to lift her up. Pray that travel will be easy, that Jason and the kids will be ok with out mom around, and that the Dr could find a way to relieve our little girl of these spasms.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I thought I had a picture of them sleeping but I guess I had already put the camera away. I may have been asleep as well and just dreamed it...
Last night we spent about 4 hrs in the emergency room... Avangeline had not been herself all day Sunday and when I picked her up Monday after work, Pam stated that she had been in a very bad mood. She felt clammy to me and when I groomed her hair with my hand her fontanelle (soft spot) felt squishy to me. So that pit of your stomach feeling hit me and I called the neurologist. He had given me a phone number in the hospital, kind of, he rattled it off really fast and I wrote it down. So when I called the gal who answered the phone was shocked "where did you get this number" she asked. She told me she would talk to Dr Katz and call us back. An hour went by and no call, so I went on to MOPS with the thought that if it were life threatening she would have responded with something like "go the the ER you idiot..." So 20 min into my meeting Dr Katz called himself. He asked what was going on and decided he wanted to see her so he told me to meet him in the ER. No rush he said I have calls to make and a kido to see in Peds... So arrangements were made for the big kids and Jason and I headed over to the hospital. They got us right in, and we only waited for Dr Katz for like 20 min. He had them draw blood, and take a urine sample. I will tell you that they hurry around in that ER a lot faster than they do at St Francis. I don't know it is because they are busier or if they just hustle more. Avangeline did awesome, she did not even cry when they took her blood. The lab gal did a good job, and got lots of blood so they were able to do all of the tests that were ordered. Nothing showed up in her blood, so Dr Katz wanted a CT scan, this is her 2nd. It was clear. The only thing they could find was what Dr Katz said was puss in her urine, and he pet her on Amoxicillin.
Current Med List:
Kepra, and Trileptal (seizure meds)
Prednisolene (steroid)
Previacid (for reflux from Prednisolene)
Fluconazole (treating thrush caused by Prednisolene)
Pyridoxine (B6) some seizures are caused by low b6 in little kidos
and now Amoxicillin (possible infection)
There is something fundamentally wrong with giving a 4 mo old this much medicine but I guess if it will fix the problem it is necessary.
So today Avangeline has been in a better mood, although still clingy and having a hard time sleeping.
Please keep praying for her. Pray that the spazams stop. Pray that this will all be over soon...
Picutre perfect!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Rolling Over!!!
OK this is a new thing for me to try, but I had to share. As some of you know I do not have audio on my computer so I have no idea what is in the background, or what is said. So hopefully nothing embarrassing. Just check out our big girl!!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Bad hair day!!!

Avangeline is doing really well, she has developed a predictable sleep pattern, is smiling, cooing, laughing and as of Saturday... Rolling over! So she is developing quite well, Praise the Lord! We are still seeing her seizures but not as often, continue to pray for complete relief of these spasms. The Lord is at work here.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Packing on the ozs

We have been weighing Avangeline on Wednesdays, there is a breastfeeding clinic in Hunters Ridge. So from last week we have gained 10 oz!!! This is the biggest gain we have had overall... So now we are up to 9lb 10oz. She is the happiest little thing until 2-3 am gets here and then she is very hard to please. I hope this passes soon as I can only go without sleep for so long.
Everyone here is over all of the illness that has been going around. (Knock on wood). We were hit so hard that I thought we were going to have to fumigate the house. I have been fighting a cold this week, but I am sure that a lot of that had to do with lack of sleep. So now the weather needs to make up it's mind and act like spring so that we can take the kids out to run off there energy. I took them to the park last Friday and let them play for an hour. That night we were letting them stay up past bed time and Ezra came to us about 30 min later and asked if he could go to bed. And now a week later they are balls of energy again.
Mom and Dad leave for a cruise today, I am so jealous... I told Jason last night that I want to go sit on a warm beach and soak up some sun. Can you feel it??? I will have to settle for my day dream. It has been fun to watch them get excited about this trip, I think it is as much of an adventure as a vacation. With them being gone I have had to rally the troops to make sure that all of my children have a point of contact, for their daily activities. Mom and Bob (Jason's parents) have signed up to take a huge chunk of the responsibility. I think Ezra and Grandpa will enjoy some one on one time. Thank you to all who are helping out!
I received my evaluation from work yesterday and one of the things on the sheet that you have to fill out is your career aspirations. So one of the questions is "Are you willing to relocate?" I wanted to put "only if you will relocate my parents, in-laws, daycare provider..." Now that I am back to work it is becoming very obvious just how crazy our live is. And without all of the support we receive just how impossible it would be...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Terrable Two's here we come...

We just did a celebration with the family, seeing as how everone had been sick. We had planned to go to the circus, and then deceided to postpone our trip untill later in the weekend so that everyone had a chance to feel better. We fixed pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, and pig in the blankets for dinner and had cake. Ivy had this crown that she had carried around off and on all day, and when we said she could open presents she grabbed it and put it on and sat on the floor next to her gifts so proud. She knew that the day was for her and she was ready. We are going to try to go the the circus on Sunday, I think she will get a kick out of the clowns.
Ezra's 6!!!

It's hard to believe that my baby is 6 yr old... For me it was harder for Ezra to turn 6 than it was to leave Avangeline at day care for the 1st time. Time just flies! Ezra really enjoyed his day. Since it fell on a Saturday this year we had a few little boys over for a play date. Aiden from church and Trenton from school came to play from 10-2. As crazy as this could have been they were very mild mannered. They all played well together, and even included Olivet. We ordered Pizza for lunch and then blew out candles on his cake.

Happy Valentine's day!

Back to work

I went back to work on Wed the 13th, it was not really that bad... Pam has a family picture for each kids first day in her care. So we all loaded up and headed over to see Avangeline off. She did really well, I think she fits in real well over there. Joe loves to hold the babies so she eating that up.

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Snow day

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Super weekend, and Girls Day

They got up in time to watch Ezra get off the bus.
Friday, February 1, 2008
8lbs 2oz

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Free at last, free at last, thank God, we are free at last!

Sunday, January 27, 2008
We are going to try a blog.!?