Ezra loves to play in the snow so he was rolling around on the ground and throwing snow balls. Olivet is a little priss and she started crying 5 min later because she had snow in her shirt and needed a towl. We got her calmed down, and dad helped her make her own snow ball. It was a good snow ball because it never broke, she would throw it and then go get it to throw again. I don't know how he made such a good snow ball because we were not sure that it would be possible to make a snowman. The snow had blown so much that is was very dry and we could not get it to stick together. Ivy was too funny! She would walk out a ways and then just stand there in the snow, after a while she would get sick of the scenery and holler "I stuck, I stuck." So one of us would go and get her and move her to a different spot till she got sick of being there and we would move her again.
Jason did manage to find a small patch of snow that we could get to stick together. The snowman happened after all. The kids had a good time making him come to life, we used a carrot for his nose and eyes, and rocks for his mouth and sticks for arms. Grandma called when she got home, she did enjoy the suprise. When we got home Dad made us all hot chocolate to warm up. Then I made chicken noodle soup, just seemed like a good meal to have on a cold snow day.
Wednesday was suppose to be Ezra's 100th day of kindergarden, so that moved it till today. It sounds like they had quite a celebration. He came home with a crown and a necklace. They hunted candy kisses, each had a number on the bottom. He said they could not find #52.
I took Avangeline for her weigh in and she is 8lb 6.7 oz so she gain a little over 2oz the last 3 days. Keep it up girl!!! Just a few more days and then Pam can fatten her up...
The snow man picture didn't work
:( I can't believe Ezra's been in school for 100 days! He's getting SO BIG! Pretty soon we'll be going to promotions, dances....:D
Snow man showed up! YAYAYA
Cool - I wanted a picture of my snowman and received a bonus complete with the gremlins who built it!
Yeah for a new blog! I love these things...looks like you guys made the most of all of the snow!
I found you guys through Sarah! Yeah! Hope your first day back to work went okay!!
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