Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Free at last, free at last, thank God, we are free at last!

What a time we have had the last few days!!! Friday night Ivy's ear started to drain this fluid tinged with blood (sorry if TMI), she has been in rare form for a week now. So I called the Dr hoping he would just call us in a RX, I did not want to go the the ER on a Friday night... We did not get to talk to our regular Dr, but he was willing to call in some ear drops. They got us through the weekend but I did want the Dr to look at them as she has had several infections since her tubes were put in. So Monday we went to the office and while we were there they asked if they could weigh Avangeline. They have been concerned as she is not gaining weight. So we put her on the scales and in the past week she had only gained 1oz...
So the Dr told us that he just could not stand by any longer with her not paking on the pounds, so he asked us to take her to the hospital to do a "failure to thrive workup" He is concerned that she will not have proper brain and eye development if she is not gaining weight. I told him that it would have to wait till Tuesday because I would have to get everyone situatated. So Tues am we checked her into Stormont-Vail and they took blood, urine, sweat and did an eco on her heart.

Then they chked her vitals evey 4 hours, including all night long. Every nurse who came in the room, wanted to know why they were checking vitals on healthy baby. Preaching to the choir! So Wed Morning the Dr came in and stated that all of the test were ok and that she did not have any problems that they could find, but that they wanted to see the gain weight so they wanted us to stay for another day. I almost freaked out on her, being in the hospital SUCKS!!! I feel so bad for those parents who have sick kids where the hospital is there reality, a person can go crazy real fast. I talked to anyone who would listen to me that there was nothing wrong with my child and finally by 4 the Dr came back and told me that she would comprimize with me. She let us come home and I agreed to come back every 2 days and have her weighed. We will continue on this plan, and if she continues not to gain they will put her back in and run more detailed tests. So for now all is well and we will work on fatting up our little girl. Here is a picture of my healthy little girl, in the hospital crib she looked like she was in jail...

1 comment:

KLS said...

She is SOOOOO big!!! I don't know WHAT they are talking about, she looks so much more like a baby than when I left. :)