We had a fun weekend at home playing with dad. We stayed in all most of the time although we did go to the mall so that Jason could try on a new jacket for work that they are having the company logo added to. While he was doing that the kids and I hung out in the play center that they have there in the mall. It was jam packed! And kids are quite crazy in there, and parents don't seem to care. One boy was getting pretty rough and went so far as to take his shirt off. Now my kids love to take there clothes off, matter of fact it is the first thing they do as soon as we get home, but you have to draw the line when you are out in public. I was having a hard time keeping track of all of my kids, they didn't play together, so that made it interesting. I was glad when Jason returned and I went out to find a quiet bench to feed Avangeline on.

There was also a merry-go-round outside of the play area, so after they got there shoes back on Dad gave them all a ride. It is very strange how people look at us when we go out into public, I guess not many people have as many kids anymore. It doesn't help t

hat there is always one that can't seem to keep from screaming. Ivy was the culprit this trip. All the way through the mall untill we got to the play ground she screamed, threw herself on the ground, moped behind all the rest of us, refused to ride the stroller, and demanded that she be the one to hold the drink we got for everyone to share. And we always said she was our sweet child. I guess she is turning 2 and we have never really experenced "terrable 2's", we alwas said that 3 was worse than 2, we may be taking that back... She also has deceided that she is not done beeing the baby. Anything the baby does, she wants to do. She want's to have a pacifier now, last weekend when she had her ear infection it keeped her calm and she did not fuss when she had it so I let her be. Now she will walk around crying, "sucky, sucky", I am sure it is just one of those regression things that kids go through when the new baby arives, I'm just glad that it is not potty training.

On Sunday we did our own little supper bowl party. We made a bunch of junk food, and just let the kids sit at the table and pig out. We did our share of pigging out as well, but the kids thought it was great. Ezra and Olivet made Pig in the blankets. They were gormay! They put cheese inside the hotdog and then rapped them in cressent rolls. I explained to Jason that when we had pig in the blanket as kids they were made with refigerator biscits, and there was no cheese. The ones they made were so much better. I may just make them for dinner some night, I liked them so much. Jason was so pleased with the outcome of the game, he has been a Patriots hater for a long time. I think it was the first year that I watched the entire game, so it must have been exciting.
Monday, was very uneventfull.... I did take Avangeline to be weighed again, and she was 8lb 4.4oz so she gained 2.4 ozs and they were pleased. We are suppose to return again today, but I don't think we will make it.
On Tuesday I deceided to keep Ivy home with me, just so that she could have some alone time. She managed to pull all of the wipes out of the box, first thing while I was nursing Avangeline so I questioned my decision right off the bat. We watched Ezra get on the bus, and took Olivet to school. Then we played at the house untill it was time to go back to get Olivet. I really think Ivy enjoyed being alone with mom... Or as alone as you can be when Avangeline is always there. After we picked up Olivet we went and had lunch with Dad. He was setting fictures in a new house, Olivet was confused as to why daddy was at a house and not at work. There was no carpet laid yet and so the girls had a blast stomping around the house.
I was supprised that with all of the excitement they actually ate their lunch.
So after lunch and a little more running around Jason's boss called him and we were busted... The girls were so loud that he could hardly hear, his boss wanted to know what in the world was going on. So I quickly loaded them up and took them home. Jason did not get in any trouble, he is mandated to take a 1/2 hr lunch, but that was a good reason for us to go home. They ran off enough energy that they all took good naps when we got home.
They got up in time to watch Ezra get off the bus.
Then last night we went to open house at Ezra's school. They were having a chillie feed, so we ate dinner and saw Ezra's room and all of the projects they have been working on. He has a beautiful sunflower that he painted, so we may have to frame it to add to Grandma's collection. After we has seen all we came to see, Ezra walked through the entire school checking out room after room. It was like he said "Well it's open house..." I wondered if he had ever had an opporunity to see the rest of the building.