Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Where has the last month gone?

Wow it has been quite a while... Things at our house are crazy so there is not much time for anything extra. I am going to try to keep everyone posted as to what is going on with us, it is becoming more and more apparent just how many prayers are being said for us that I want you all to know what it is that is happening.
Avangeline has "infantile spasms". Go ahead and Google because it is way to hard for me to describe. I had avoided the Internet for a long time because everything is so scary, and worse case type stuff. But now this is my reality. I did not want to admit that this was what my daughter had, and for a while in the beginning I think we even had the Dr convinced that this was not the case.
Avangeline has 30-40 spasms (seizures) per day. Most are focused around her sleep, when she is trying to sleep or waking up. Once she gets to sleep she is fine, it is just getting that way that is sometimes a challenge. Also if she gets really upset that can set her off. We don't know if the fact that she is upset sets them off or if she is upset because she is having spasms...
We have tried so many different meds that our Dr wants us to go to get a specialist opinion. So the week of May 19 we are going to be at Miami Children's Hospital. They have very sophisticated equipment, and are one of the best hospitals in the world for neurology stuff.
We appreciate all of your prayers. Every time I turn around there is someone else praying for her. Please continue to lift her up. Pray that travel will be easy, that Jason and the kids will be ok with out mom around, and that the Dr could find a way to relieve our little girl of these spasms.


The Martins said...

We love you guys and continue to pray for you!!

Anonymous said...

We are praying and will keep doing so! Love you all!

KLS said...

Love and prayers from the Struemph/Morgan household. :) We're with ya all the way.