On Friday Ivy turned 2!!! She was running a fever when she woke up so she stayed home with Ezra and I, but by the days end she was feeling much better.

We just did a celebration with the family, seeing as how everone had been sick. We had planned to go to the circus, and then deceided to postpone our trip untill later in the weekend so that everyone had a chance to feel better. We fixed pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, and pig in the blankets for dinner and had cake. Ivy had this crown that she had carried around off and on all day, and when we said she could open presents she grabbed it and put it on and sat on the floor next to her gifts so proud. She knew that the day was for her and she was ready. We are going to try to go the the circus on Sunday, I think she will get a kick out of the clowns.

We just did a celebration with the family, seeing as how everone had been sick. We had planned to go to the circus, and then deceided to postpone our trip untill later in the weekend so that everyone had a chance to feel better. We fixed pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, and pig in the blankets for dinner and had cake. Ivy had this crown that she had carried around off and on all day, and when we said she could open presents she grabbed it and put it on and sat on the floor next to her gifts so proud. She knew that the day was for her and she was ready. We are going to try to go the the circus on Sunday, I think she will get a kick out of the clowns.
They are ALL getting so big! It seems like just yesterday Ezra was born and now Avangeline is nearing 3 months old! Doesn't time go too fast????
I agree, they are growing up so fast. I remember when he was your only one...Crazy! Looks like the party was fun!
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