Saturday, October 3, 2009

I know...

I know that life is not easy...

I know that there is more love in my house than can me measured...

I know Infantile Spasms is a terrible disease...

I know no one around us understands...

I know someday Avangeline will walk...

I know I need more sleep...

I know the Lord will continue to bless our family...

I know that crying does not fix any thing but is necessary sometimes...

I know I can't do this on my own...

I know that Avangeline can be healed, I pray that it is the Lords will to do so...

I know that with everything I have learned... I still don't know much

1 comment:

KLS said...

Hugs to you guys - you have shown amazing strength throughout for Miss Avangeline and she is a lucky little lady to have you and Jason as parents.

We love you.